Saturday, September 25, 2010

Indesign vs. Quark

Indesign vs. Quark
A Heating debate from a pretty long time. Many of us prefer Indesign while many other prefer quark. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages but mostly people prefer Indesign because of its advanced features. Let’s discuss about them in brief
InDesign CS3 is a significant step forward in page-layout software. It is the successor and alternative to Adobe's own PageMaker, which was acquired with the purchase of Aldus in late 1994. InDesign CS5 (7.0) is the latest version released in April 2010. Adobe InDesign is a desktop publishing program used by many newspapers, advertising agencies, etc. The main advantage is that InDesign lets you use less clipping paths. InDesign typography is strong; its specialty is working with documents that contain a large amount of type or text. It has more control over alternate glyphs (characters) and ligatures, even though Quark has some control over ligatures too. In InDesign, a user creates a document and can export this document to several output media. It has a preflight option that helps you find problems in your files which QuarkXPress does not have.
Quark was first released by Quark, Inc. in 1987 and is still owned and published by them. The most recent version is QuarkXPress 8. QuarkXPress offers a set of tools for constructing Web pages, including rollovers, image maps, forms, menus, and CSS styling, as well as more standard Web page components. In QuarkXPress, a user creates projects which can have multiple layouts: Print,Web, Interactive, which can be maintained entirely separately or have various levels of synchronization between them e.g. text, images or entire layouts within layouts i.e. Composition Zones.
So, we compared and see Indesign is much better and advanced then Quark Xpress.
Many Institutes do offer training in Indesign and quark but ADMEC is the only Institute which offers advanced professional training. It’s not only the words we speak but we also prove it.

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